don't delay need to learn Jan 03, 2017
If you are like me, there are a number of things you’ve been meaning to learn, figure out or struggle through so you can finally complete a project or task requiring this new knowledge. Sometimes I find myself getting frustrated and spending way too much time getting through the messy learning part. My latest approach is to gain the absolute minimum knowledge to complete the task at hand. I know that after I get through the initial learning and am using the tool, the next level of learning comes easier to me.
These days there are so many options to learn on the internet. You can go to tutorials at a provider’s website, you can purchase online training, and you can go to YouTube videos to name a few. Training assistance is easily accessible and in many cases it is free.
Once you figure out what you want to learn, schedule time for it in your calendar. You can make it as short, a couple 15 minute sessions to get you over that initial hard learning curve. By starting the learning process, you begin to break down that wall that was standing between you and learning that skill.
Don’t let the fact that you can’t “yet” do something, stop you from starting. Get in there and give it a go. I am amazed at the amount of skills I have gained so far this year. If you told me at the beginning of the year all the stuff I’d learn in the first 10 months of the year, I wouldn’t have believed you. There is nothing like just rolling up your sleeves and getting started.
Thanks for your time.
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