Feb 24, 2017
Dreams are delicate and you need to be careful who you share them with.
Have you ever shared a dream with someone and they squashed it for you? Those moments are so sad and it teaches you how delicate dreams can be. I discussed this with a friend a while back and he reminded me that dreams are like newborn babies. We need to protect them and choose carefully who we share them with in their early delicate days.
For those moments when you learn someone isn't going to support you in a dream, you right away know that person isn't the one you'd want to go to when you are at a challenging point in your dream journey. They aren't in your inner circle of dream support. That's ok, you will find people that do support your dream, seek them out and press on with their encouragement.
When you have a dream, it is important to have a Dream Toolkit to support it. In my Dream Toolkit I have the following:
- A team of supporting friends who encourage and support me
- A song to lift me up and remind me why I have the dream and that I can do it
- A Plan - A list of activities that will move me forward as reach for the dream
Those pieces will get you started, see what you can add to the kit.
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