Jan 10, 2017
Learning something new comes from lots of places. I learn from the internet, chances are if you are reading this online, you learn from the internet too. The internet is very helpful to me. I also learn from books, TED talks (I guess that is still the internet), and life experience, but my favorite way to learn is from people.
I am always learning from my friends. Spending time over a cup of coffee or talking at a sporting event, can help me solve my problems. When I ask for advice, I appreciate the experiences they share with me. It helps me move forward on the issue. I always leave more knowledgeable then when I arrived.
On the topic of friends, having friends in all different age groups is a huge benefit to you. If you tend to hang out with ONLY people close your own age, you are missing out on perspectives that would allow you to grow and also test your current views. Friends that are older than me offer me life experience stories that I haven’t gained myself yet. In some cases, they saved me from learning the hard way. Those friends younger than me help me stay current. They seem to be more willing than me to adapt to all the changes happening around us. I have many examples of my younger friends introducing me to new technology which makes my life or work better, easier or more fun. So be sure you are spending time with people who aren’t in the same stage of life as you. You’ll both benefit from the sharing of experiences.
Who are the people you are learning from? Go to my Facebook page “Linda May Fitzgerald” and share who your teachers are and what positive things you are learning from them.
Thanks for your time.
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