Feb 23, 2017
Every morning the sun rises to bring us a new day. One day flows into another. If we aren't careful, we might end up where we didn't expect because we didn't take control of our journey.
Today step back and think of where you want to end up. Where do you want to me be in one year? Now work backwards and imagine the steps it will take you to make that a reality. Write down those steps as general milestones, then break each step down in more detail. You are creating your own map to your dream.
Create your Dream Toolkit - these are the people, tips, tricks and processes that will support and encourage you as you strive for your goal. (See tomorrow's post for ideas of what needs to be in your Dream Toolkit.)
Each day when you wake up be intentional about where you are going and being sure you are the one sitting in the driver's seat as you proceed to your dream.
Improve Every Day!
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