spare time Dec 06, 2016
All of us seem so busy. It is funny that we aren’t too busy to take care of our cars. We know when they need gas. We know when they need service. We even carry around a spare tire for those hopefully rare moments of a flat tire.
Imagine if we spent that same amount of energy/time taking care of ourselves. A spare tire in a car is a way to take care of ourselves when we are in trouble. What is the human equivalent? I think it is our spare time. How we spend our spare time can determine if we are charged up enough to make it through the challenges ahead or if we just give up.
How are you spending your spare time? What, you say you don’t have spare time? I think you do. Starting today, notice those moments you have “spare time”. You might be in the car waiting for an appointment. You might be waiting to pick up kids after school. That is spare time. How can you occupy that spare time and make it a gift to you? Is there a book you’ve been meaning to read? Is there a goal you been meaning to achieve? Start looking for ways you can spend your spare time energize you!
Do you watch TV? Often we lose lots of spare time to TV. I have found that some television shows I watch for pure entertainment, others shows are like doing homework that if fun. As a coach, there are TV shows that show coaching experiences. I watch them and either learn what “to do” or what “not to do” depending on the situation. If you are a fan of TV, are there shows you can watch that will recharge you and educate you where the viewing experience is like homework that is fun?
Work on adding RECHARGING activities in your spare time. You’ll be glad you did.
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